Grant will fund Paso Robles airport taxiway repairs

Wednesday, March 16th, 2016

Project will render all taxiways serviceableairport repaving

–In 2015, the City of Paso Robles received grant funding from the Federal Aviation Administration for the rehabilitation of over 13,000 lineal feet of taxiway at the Paso Robles Airport. For the most part, this project consisted of applying a slurry seal to the existing asphalt surface. The total project cost was just over $1.2 mil with 90-percent of the cost being funded by the FAA and 5-percent coming from state aviation fund sources. This project covered almost 2/3 of the airport taxiway system with a wearable surface that will extend the asphalt life for another 10 – 15 years.

The city has recently learned that approximately $1.4 million in federal grant funding has been allocated to the airport during this fiscal year for a similar treatment to the remainder of the taxiway system. More extensive reconstruction of specific sections of failed taxiway is planned. The completed project will render all of the taxiways serviceable to FAA standards for many years to come.

The firm of Tartaglia Engineering of Atascadero has been hired to develop the plans and specification for this project. Their work is currently underway. It is expected that the project will go out to bid within the next month. The work will then been completed during the summer months when weather conditions are most favorable.

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